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Safety Riding, The Importance of Mastery and the Condition of Motor Vehicles

Rosasiva  |  Otomotif  |  22 February 2018  |   4009 Views

Safety Riding, The Importance of Mastery and the Condition of Motor Vehicles

Otomotif  |  22 February 2018 Safety Riding, The Importance of Mastery and the Condition of Motor Vehicles

On every street corner the traffic becomes increasingly due to lack of discipline of the driver. The sight of brother and sister motorcycle taxi online and angkot for example, just to pick up customers they meet the roadside around the station. This makes it more complicated and traffic jams. Not only is it jammed, because of the low level of discipline of these drivers the number of accidents is increasing too.

The view of online motorcycle taxi drivers playing cellphones while riding their motorbikes, we often see the reason for passengers not to miss orders to pay attention to the gadget screen always. Of course dangerous things like this are done, not only for themselves but also for other motorists.

Behavior not heeding self-security or commonly called Safety Riding is indeed done by many motorists. Do not use footwear, do not wear a helmet or even go on the road. Simple things like this need to be of concern to all of us, not only by the authorities but also by the public awareness of the importance of the rules that apply to vehicle users, whether motorbikes or cars.

Safety Riding which refers to driving behavior has a level of security for yourself and others. Vehicle conditions and mastery play an important role in personal safety.

In driving a motorized vehicle it is very important for us to concentrate attentively and not be disturbed because of fatigue, sleepiness, illness, using a telephone, watching TV, and drinking alcohol. Not only knowing the rules and procedures for good and correct traffic, it is also important to respect other vehicle users, especially prioritizing vehicles to get priority and those that require immediate handling, such as vehicles handling bomb threats, vehicles for handling riots, vehicles for handling natural disasters , troop transport vehicles.

Besides understanding what Safety Riding is. equip your motorcycle and car from unexpected circumstances and enjoy driving safety with vehicle insurance from insurance online Consisting of motorcycle insurance and car insurance that apply in all regions in Indonesia.

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