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Prepare Car Insurance and Personal Accident Insurance Before Mudik

Gilang  |  Otomotif  |  11 April 2018  |   3054 Views

Prepare Car Insurance and Personal Accident Insurance Before Mudik

Otomotif  |  11 April 2018 Prepare Car Insurance and Personal Accident Insurance Before Mudik

Eid al-Fitr 2018 is soon, meaning that Eid Mubarak which is held every year will also arrive soon, then what insurance must be prepared to welcome homecoming? Insurance that is important to be prepared during the Eid Al-Fitr 2018 is Vehicle Insurance which includes Car Insurance and Motor Insurance and Personal Accident Insurance.

Vehicle insurance is used for those who drive by car or motorcycle when going home. When going home using your car or motorcycle, there are several risks that you might face when you drive. By having vehicle insurance, you can reduce risks such as financial losses for example. Before driving to your hometown there is no harm in preparing it so that your favorite car becomes comfortable and the trip back and forth quietly.

If the car you are using with your family is damaged, which must be repaired immediately, there is no need to rush to repair it in the nearest garage. We recommend that you confirm in advance with your Broker / Insurance Broker, that is one of the important roles of a Broker / Insurance Broker. This is done to avoid not caring for your Car Insurance claim if you use an arbitrary workshop service and are not affiliated with a Car Insurance provider. So always remember to confirm in advance with your Broker / Insurance Broker, if this happens and you don't need to bother and worry about your claim not being borne / rejected.

Personal Accident Insurance should be prepared before you take a trip back and forth. This is prepared to face the journey back and forth, During the journey there will be no one who knows what will happen to you and your family. Solid road conditions and the high number of travelers cause travel when going home has a much higher risk when traveling other days.

In general, Personal Accident Insurance provides compensation for the family left behind due to an accident. In addition, insurance providers also provide coverage for accidents that cause disability, either total permanent disability or partial permanent disability.

Preparing insurance before your trip back and forth can reduce the risks that may occur and most importantly financial risk. In addition to this, preparing car insurance and personal accident insurance will provide comfort and security for your trip to your destination.

Have a nice trip and congratulations to your destination.

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