Monday - Friday 08:30 - 17:30 WIB
Nomor Telp 021 806 00 828 / Nomor Whatsapp 0812 1234 7023
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Monday - Friday 08:30 - 17:30 WIB
Nomor Telp 021 806 00 828 / Nomor Whatsapp 0812 1234 7023

How to Become a Referral Agent

1.1. type "" click the menu ->
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1.2. Complete the data below
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1.3. Click the button

1.4. Then you will get an email as below
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After you get an email, the referral link that is printed on the e-mail can be shared in a way :

Copy your Referral Link and Paste it into your social media account then share it

2.2.1. type "" click the menu ->

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2.2.2. login in the client-area menu

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2.2.3. Click the arrow next to your account name, then click

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2.2.4. Then the display will appear as below

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2.2.5. on the referral link there are social media buttons, select the social media you want to share

Both the referral agent and the referenced person both get the benefits & benefits of the referral p :

For each insurance purchase from the person you refer, you will get a commission according to the :

Level 1 Level 2
Level 1 = 0,5% x premi yang dibayarkan, minimum premi Rp 200.000 dan kelipatannya
Contoh :
Premi Rp 1.000.000 akan mendapatkan komisi sebesar Rp 1.000.000 x 0,5% = Rp 5.000
Premi Rp 900.000 akan mendapatkan komisi sebesar Rp 800.000 x 0,5% = Rp 4.000
Level 2 = 0,25% x premi yang dibayarkan, minimum premi Rp 200.000 dan kelipatannya
Contoh :
Premi Rp 1.000.000 akan mendapatkan komisi sebesar Rp 1.000.000 x 0,25% = Rp 2.500
Premi Rp 900.000 akan mendapatkan komisi sebesar Rp 800.000 x 0,25% = Rp 2.000
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Calculation Simulation :

For example, the average commission of each person referenced is Rp 10.000

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everyone who buys insurance from a referral agent will get a premium discount according to the tab :

Referral Discount Table


No. Premium Price (IDR) Discounts
1 1 - 1,000,000,000 5 %


No. Premium Price (IDR) Discounts
1 1 - 1,000,000,000 5 %


No. Premium Price (IDR) Discounts
1 1 - 1,000,000,000 5 %


No. Premium Price (IDR) Discounts
1 1 - 1,000,000,000 5 %


No. Premium Price (IDR) Discounts
1 1 - 1,000,000,000 5 %

Terms and conditions :

  1. The email used has never been registered at
  2. Premium discount is only valid for one purchase of each type of insurance
  3. Premium discount can change at any time without prior notice
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